By,Mirza Ashraf

Human Situation:

History of man’s evolution reveals, that at a certain point of his evolution,when man transcended nature and ended his passive role of being acreature, he had emancipated himself from the bindings of nature; rst by anerect posture and second by the growth of his brain. The birth of man mayhave lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, but what matters, a patentlynew species to be identied as a human being arose transcending nature,recognizing life aware of itself. !elf“awareness, reason and imagination,disrupted man’s harmony with nature which characterized his prehumane#istence. $n being aware of himself, man realized the limitations of hise#istence; his powerlessness on being a nite being. %n his death hevisualized his own end. &ut until today he is never free from the dichotomy of his e#istence. He cannot rid himself of his mind, even if he wants to; hecannot rid himself of his body as long as he is aliverather his mind andbody create in him a strong urge to be alive, and to live an innite life. Hecannot go bac( to the prehuman state of his harmony with nature becausehe now views himself as a special species. He must proceed to develop hisreason until he becomes the sovereign of nature and a master of himself. &utan awareness of his biological relation with the rest of animals poses achallenge to his conscious self. To assure himself that he is no more li(e ananimal, he is tempted to demonstrate his merits of a special speciesthrough his uni)ue physical advantage and e#ceptional intellectualeminence. The irony of man is that he is out of nature’s eld, but is still in it. He ispartly divine, partly animal; spiritually innite but physically nite. Thus, thenecessity to nd ever”new solution for the contradiction in his e#istence, tond ever”higher forms of unity with nature, his fellowmen and himself, is thesource of his psychic force that motivates man of all his passions, a*ects,and an#ieties. %nasmuch as his satisfaction of his instinctual needs is notsu+cient to ma(e him happy, it becomes di+cult for him to be a sanehuman being. Human dynamism lies in the uni)ueness of man’s situationthat the understanding of his psyche must be based on the analysis of hisneeds stemming from the conditions of his e#istence. %t has ta(en man
hundreds of thousands of years to ta(e rst step into human life. He wentthrough a narcissistic phase of magic of omnipotent orientation, throughtotemism, nature worship, until he arrived at the dawn of being aware of himself and the formation of his conscience of brotherly love.



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