Question Of The Day- What is the solution to Pakistan’s Problems?

We,Pakistanis living in USA are witnessing the situation in Pakistan with more concerns than the people facing these realities on ground everyday.We as a community feel bad and ashamed for all wrong doing in all spectrum of society.We hear all the times various issues problems and crisis in the country but no solution. I would like to hear from the intelligentsia of our community here,

“How they feel about it and what would they suggest to resolve the crisis enabling to establish a stable and normal society”

Looking forward,

Tahir Mahmood



4 thoughts on “Question Of The Day- What is the solution to Pakistan’s Problems?

  1. Existence of civilizations, societies, nations, and states, depends upon the presence of the moral psychology of the people. But the feudals amongst them depend and survive on the absence of moral psychology. If there are some people conscious of moral values they are curshed, oppressed, and silenced. The feudals neither obey the moral law nor any state law. They have their own laws and they live by their own way. There is only one solution for thousands of problems in Pakistan and that is “GET RID OF THE FEUDAL LORDS.”


  2. Pakistan is caught up in multi pronged problems and to come out of this needs a combined Herculean effort by intelligentia,,media and policy makers .Common man cannot be a part of this change at this stage, as they have been rendered useless on account of poverty, deprivation and ignorance.A uniform education system throughout the country is need of the hour,as the current one is creating, instead of eradicating class difference.Also ,considering the recent sectarian killings and blasphemy cases ,religion and running of the state should be kept in different slots.

  3. In spite of this chaos , there are some bright signs on the horizon. Mr. Zardari, inspite of all the corruption, has stood up to the army and most likely will hold the next election. As long as democracy, even if imperfect, continue to progress and elections are held, there is a hope that more talented and visionary leaders will come forward. A corrupt democratic civilian government is better than an honest military regime. There is always a hope that in a democratic civilian regime, a visionary leader will come along but military regime is a dead end street, it always ends in disaster and a nation has to start all over again.
    The media is free and Judiciary is asserting itself. It is a big mistake for Zardari regime to undermine the Judiciary, even if some of its decisions are political. In USA , to a large extent the Judiciary is political.
    I agree with Mirza Sahib that abolition of Feudal System is important and with Miss Saadia that separation of religion from the government is paramount.
    A law should be adopted because it is good for the general public and not because it is a Sharia Law. It should not matter whether a law is from the Sharia or not, the criteria should be that it is good for the public policy. If a law is adopted just because it is a Sharia Law, it will be impossible to modify it or take it out of the constitution. The perfect example is the blasphemy laws, which are being used for personal vendetta, minority suppression and intolerance.
    I think as long as the democratic process continue to move forward, army stays out of politics, the bad will gradually get weeded out and hopefully aspirations of millions of people will start to bear some fruit. We have examples of Indonesia,Turkey, and hopefully Egypt. I think, It does not matter if elections are won by the conservatives or liberals, the democratic process will eventually lead to better policies.

  4. I would like to differ with Ms.Sadia’s opinion that common man has no role in bringing change in the society at this moment,I believe that it is the only ordinary citizen who can not only bring change but also dictate his fate because the intelgentia and other so called groups have their own sinister motives………yes it will take time to materialize the ends but if public wake up for their rights,they can pave the way towards better future…………the feudles and the owners of religious business can be toppled with fury of masses only,no other law or force can dethrone them…….the holy business is also impediment in our moral prosperity,recently daily Dawn carried a blog on this issue,read it @
    I,however,agree to her on education issue but still it can only be achieved if masses get empowered and dictate their terms………..despite of all ill habits among the people,I have complete faith in people’s power and inshallah,one day we will see a different side of Pakistan.

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