Dear Editors,
I was watching some program that someone questioned “despite the fact Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) preached equal treatment with the slaves in his time but didn’t terminate/abolish the institution of slavery,WHY?
I would like to put the same question to my learned Forum to comment on.
Tahir Mahmood.
Author Archives: fay707
Future Intellectuals Of Republicans-Three Out of Four Are Asian Americans
A ‘Ghazal’ By Mirza Ashraf
آشکارا ہو جہاں میں صورتِ شمس و قمر
دے نظامِ زندگی کو اپنے ہونے کی خبر
آسماں بن ابر بن بارش یا بن اک چشمِ تر
کوہ و صحرا پر برس اور بحر و دریا میں اتر
یہ جہاں لمحہ بلمحہ ہو رہا ہے نو بنو
ہر قدم منزل نئی ہے ہر نظر منظر دِگر
جیسے عالَم ہے تلاشِ آدمی میں مضطَرِب
جو ہو نقشِ آب و گِل میں نفسِ کامل مستِمَر
اس طلب میں تو بھی اشرف گامزن رہ دم بدم
مثل ِکرمک نہ گزر جا اس جہاں سے بے خبر
Famous Dictums
“Brief Thoughts” is a new category suggested by Noor Salik. In this category the participants can express their thoughts from few lines to a paragraph or send famous dictum, sayings or any other brief material for posting. Some other new categories shall be added soon.
Aung San Suu Kyi’s ( Burma’s Opposition Leader) famous dictum “it is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it, and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”
Barry Goldwater, in his speech accepting the 1964 Republican presidential nomination, said “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” and “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue,