Ms. Ann Rosenberg was present at the ICR Interfaith meeting and she has been writing some comments and suggestions to Mr. Noor Salik in e-mails. She has graciously allowed the Thinkers’ Forum USA to post excerpts of those e-mails. She has Ed.D in Education and History from Columbia University. She is author of ” Freudian Theory and American Religious Journals: 1900-1965” and has published other articles. Although these suggestion are for ICR, but these are applicable to all Islamic Centers. Please forward this post to members of other Islamic Centers. Please post your comments. Discussion is the best way to find better solutions. Here are e-mails excerpts in reverse order.
“I hope that you won’t mind another observation. Indian Americans are active in RC politics and have successfully fielded candidates. Volunteering presence at the county and town headquarters is another way to establish a positive American presence.”
“Other ways to improve and raise the profile of the Muslim community in RC are by encouraging parents, particularly mothers, to become active in the Parent Teacher or Parent Organizations in the children’s schools by attending monthly meetings, participating in bake sales, assisting at spring fairs, book fairs and assisting teachers by chaperoning school trips to museums, zoos, nature centers etc. Some parents assist in the schools in additional ways. Both parents can volunteer as Boy and Girl Scout leaders and as coaches in tee shirt and little league baseball and softball teams sponsored by the towns. There may also be a soccer league. These sports activities are provided for girls and for boys. People who have free time because they are retirees or housewives who have grown children can volunteer at Nyack and Good Samaritan Hospitals. They dispense passes to visitors, push wheelchairs, talk with people whose relatives are undergoing surgery and do clerical work among other activities. There are soup kitchens in Nyack. Members of the mosque could volunteer to serve brunch or dinner which is cooked by the organizations. They could talk with the clients. The Nyack clergy would know the names of the contact people.
Ann ”
“Ed.D in Education and History from Columbia University
Rosenberg. Ann. Freudian Theory and American Religious Journals: 1900-1965. UMI Research Press. Robert Berkhofer, ed. Ann Arbor. 1980
I was primarily a high school teacher. I have won awards and my curriculums have been included in educational publications and been published as stand alone.
Ann ”
Do you participate along with churches and synagogues in giving night time winter shelter to homeless men? One of the clergy people in the Nyack area could describe the program to you.
addition sorry: participate in the RC Special Olympics
“Other suggested activities for increased community involvement: platter of sweets to town senior citizen centers for appropriate Muslim holidays (contact Rockland County Office of the Aged), sweets or little parties for residents of housing for the mentally and physically disabled (contact RC Office for the handicapped), The residents and their families will never forget these acts of kindness, volunteering to serve meals and and push wheelchairs in the hospitals along with synagogue members on Christmas and on Easter enabling Christians to spend the holiday, with their families, Jewish and Christian religious institutions would similarly fill in for Muslims if notified.”
“Please share all unless I specifically restrict which would be unlikely.
“Questions involved: jihad, Islam and Christians, veiled women, women drivers, women reading the Koran, general treatment of Muslim women in Kerala
Comment: In my opinion the afternoon was very successful. The hospitality was warm. The presentations were carefully prepared, and there was a genuine desire for improved mutual understanding. I think that sometimes it is better to understate than to overstate, In the Western tradition historical evidence or primary sources are offered to support statements such as the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution being based upon Sharia law. How did Thomas Jefferson or James Madison become study Sharia law? Which books were found in their libraries?
Secondary sources such as a lecture by a professor would not be convincing evidence. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be that US historical documents are in conformity with Sharia law. Citing the Sharia law referenced would be helpful and convincing.”