ETHICS AND MORALITY Plus or Minus GOD By Mirza I. Ashraf


Is there a genuine meaning of life for one who rejects existence of divinity? Or can a person realize a significant life if one abandons faith in providence? Since death is in store for everyone, is life absurd and tragic because it is finite? Human beings faced with such existential dilemma would cry out, “Can we be happy or why we live if there is no God, if there is no immortal soul, no resurrection or no purpose immanent in nature?” Living a life without God, declining that the universe has a divine purpose but given the existence of evil, is there a basis for moral conduct?

An atheist may say frankly to a theist that he is deceiving himself by the assumption that only a broader purpose of life extended to hereafter be the “Real Meaning of Life” in this world. A philosopher may remark, if human beings are obligated to worship and glorify God in order to enjoy a life forever and ever, what kind of enjoyment there is when an omnipotent God is the Master and the humans as slaves living in a constant fear; a fear that if they do not pledge allegiance to God’s will, they would suffer damnation. For atheist the religions depict a picture of the universe akin to a model-prison where the inmates on the one hand are programmed with free will and on the other hand are living in chains dependent upon their Master not only for existence and sustenance, but also for every move in this life and dependence upon His mercy even in the life hereafter. But the believer replies to the skeptical philosophers, “God promises eternal salvation, not oppression.” For the believer, the humans are free, since man is created in “God’s image” gifted with the ability to choose between good and evil. The atheist remarks that means only if a person chooses to obey the Master he will be rewarded, but the problem of evil turns this drama into divine comedy.

Ha! The atheist bursts, God entrusted man with power and freedom of choice, yet He will punish if man strays from Him. Why at the time of creation did He not program man so that man could not avoid knowing and worshipping Him? Is there any sense that after implanting in man free will, He would condemn man for satisfying his natural inclination? Then why Does He permit suffering and pain, torment and tragedy, disease, war, plunder, rape, chaos and so on? All this in order to test human beings, test innocent girls being raped, to punish many innocents who never sinned, and why visit pain and torment upon infants and children? If they are paying for the sins of others or their parents, is this not a morality of collective guilt? But still the rationalization by the believer continues that evil is due to human beings’ omission, not God’s commission. God gave reason and power to discover cure for our diseases for example cancer etc., learn to stop war, conflict and other atrocities the humans commit and the harm they inflict to the innocents. For a believer there is no natural evil, the only evil is human’s “moral evil.” The philosopher remarks that the inescapable inference is that God permits evil. He could have hanged Satan and could have stamped evil out but He set the devil free. Why should not God be merciful and loving rather than “Legalistic” and “Moralistic?” Is God, as David Hume speculates that “God is like us: merely limited in power.” And for Bertrand Russell the philosopher, “to sing hymns in praise of Him and hold hands throughout all eternity would be sheer boredom. What of the lusts of the body, the joys of the flesh, the excitement and turmoil of pleasure—will these be vanquished in the immortal life? For the free person, Hell could not be worse.”

The believers may refer to scriptures that there are things and matters beyond the understanding of the humans; many yet to be explored, such as the paradox of free will and determinism, and most importantly the problem of evil. Some believer-philosophers maintain that evil may be only an illusion and what appears to be evil may turn out in the end to be good. The believers thus have woven a fanciful fabric of mythological imagination in order to soothe the fear of death and to comfort those who share this dilemma. For the philosopher this may be an ad-hoc rationalization, but it is ridden with some puzzling loopholes.

In order to deal with life full of suffering, living unhappy because of the fear that everyone is definitely going to die, and that the life does not possess a meaningful purpose, religion is often interpreted to be a form of bliss; a form that may release human beings from the pangs and anxiety of being purposeless immortals. But for an existentialist religion is flight from the realization and actualization of human’s naturally attained powers. For them, religions fail to give meaning to life, to exist as humans are, by exaggerating the pathology of fear, the anxiety of punishment, and the dread of death, which are a source of unhappiness. Humans are obsessed with this overextended sense of sin and guilt and they are in fact wavering by their perennial struggle between biological impulses and repressive divine commandments.

Summing up the whole question and answer debate, the most complex problem before the human beings is, can humans really be moral without divine instructions and religious beliefs? Are the humans capable of nurturing moral virtues and a sense of responsibility without the commands or presupposed moral order of a deity or deities? What I believe as moral, the answer depends upon “what is meant by the term moral.” For the believers morality requires the existence of a faith in the pious appreciation of God’s redemptive power. This requires the “virtue” of acquiescence and obedience, as well as the suppression of human’s natural biological desires. For the religious person, if there is no God, is not everything permissible? Would the humans not be rapacious and misuse their fellow creatures. When Nietzsche argued, “God is dead,” the horrors of the twentieth century with its two world wars, the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Vietnam War, and the atrocities of Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Slobodan Milosevic have played an unprecedented havoc in the history of humankind. How, without God, charity, justice, kindness, and many moral virtues can be guaranteed. Human brotherhood presupposes a divine conception of individual dignity based upon God’s pattern. To abandon this postulate of the moral life would be to reduce the human race to hunters and barbarians.

Basically, these are empirical questions. Moral sympathy is not dependent upon theistic belief and religious devotion is no guarantee of moral devotion. This leads us to derive that there is ample evidence that ethical and moral concern is rather autonomous, rooted in human beings’ independent phenomenological experience. History of humankind determines that atheistic, agnostics, and skeptics have been moved by moral consideration for others as have believers. Spinoza, Kant, Marx, Russell, Sartre, and many others have had deep moral interest without depending upon religions to support their morality. They have rather demonstrated that ethics and morality, grounded in human experience and reason, is a far more reliable guide to conduct. The highest virtues are in man’s existing for himself. Thus it is possible to be moral with or without a belief in God.

 Mirza I. Ashraf is author of many books and active participant of Thinkers Forum USA.


‘ More Than Me ‘ A Poem by Sophia Chawala

More than me’

Take a good look at the sunset sky

Raise your head above the mountainside

Tilt you head back to the right

Now what do you see in sight?


I see…

Waging wars

Raging seas

Striking poor

Rising disease

Yes, I see much more

Than you

More than me, more than you.


Take a sharp view over the docks anew

Out across the waters’ sparkling view

What really lies behind those stars?

What shines behind that light afar?


I sense…

Drying darkness

Exploding skies

Empty goodness

Tears cried dry

Yes, I sense much more

Than you

More than me, more than you


Take your eyes off the garden ground

Try to reel your body round

Round away from rails that bound

Open your ears, what is that sound?


I hear…

A silent cry

A whip of smoke

A red-pool dye

A violent stoke

Yes, I hear much more

Than you.

More than me, more than you


Take your gaze off your ails

Explore off map and break the sails

Break to the unknown with fervid pace

Take a pause, now what do you taste?


I taste…

Ghastly green

Musty blue

Blazing red

Dim, dead dew

Yes, I taste much more

than you

More than me, more than you.


Now take your sights aback from view

Breathe in and open your palms in two

And you will see hands—only hands

with scars so few,

So clench them shut

‘cause there is more than you.


Sophia Chawala


A Father’s Day Poem ‘ Dad ‘ by Sophia Chawala

Next Sunday, June 17th, 2012 is Father’s Day. This poem was written by Sophia Chawala for Father’s Day.


My days are flying swiftly by

Fast as the rapid, twirling earth

Spinning endlessly throughout the abyss

Though dizzying the days, here I stand

On a vast beach, staring afar at the carmine sky

And as I stare up on high

My heart panics to see that I am so far—

So lost in this vast, frightening world…


But then I begin to think…that I cannot be far…


No, I cannot be far

That I am, not lost, but have been found.

I have found the person I have wanted to be

And I know ‘cause as I stare down beneath my feet

I see the footsteps that I have trodden

Has created a trail that came a long way…

And down that trail I clearly see

You standing there

Watching after me…

No matter how old or young I may be

Or Big or small circumstance be

Or near or far as I may be

You always will hold my hand

And have my back

And mend my heart

For the years to come

For a better…me.


By Sophia Chawala to Dad



Art And Craft of Writing- The Most Comma Mistakes

Placing comma in right place is important and sometime confusing. Placing comma in wrong place can change the meaning of the sentence. Mr. Ben Yogoda, a Professor of English, has written a very useful article in New York Times on use of comma. He writes in one of his article;

“You can glimpse a reason for this codification — which emphasized consistency rather than sound — by looking at the opening of the Second Amendment of the Constitution (1789):

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There are three commas. The one after “state” would be used today; the one after “arms” would not; the one after “militia” is ambiguous; and all three have caused a world of hurt, confusion and argumentation over the last 223 years. As Adam Freedman wrote in this newspaper in 2007, a Federal District Court ruling invalidating the District of Columbia’s gun ban (subsequently upheld by the Supreme Court) held that “the second comma divides the amendment into two clauses: one ‘prefatory’ and the other ‘operative.’ On this reading, the bit about a well-regulated militia is just preliminary throat clearing; the framers don’t really get down to business until they start talking about ‘the right of the people … shall not be infringed.’” More generally, the funky comma protocol muddies the crucial link between the importance of militias and the right of people to bear arms.”

To read the complete article on correct use of comma, please click on the link below. It will be a time worth spending.
