Why the ideas of Karl Marx are more relevant than ever in the 21st century

An interesting article by Bhaskar Sunkara in the Guardian. With the widening gap between the rich and the poor, is capitalism failing the working class?

German Political Philosopher Karl Marx Sitting

“Marxism enjoys new currency in economic crisis. But as Marx said, the point is not just to interpret the world, but to change it.

Capital used to sell us visions of tomorrow. At the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, corporations showcased new technologies: nylon, air conditioning, fluorescent lamps, the ever-impressive View-Master. But more than just products, an ideal of middle-class leisure and abundance was offered to those weary from economic depression and the prospect of European war.

The Futurama ride even took attendees through miniature versions of transformed landscapes, depicting new highways and development projects: the world of the future. It was a visceral attempt to renew faith in capitalism.”

Click below to read the full article:


Posted by F. Sheikh


Why Did Men Stop Wearing High Heels?

For generations they have signified femininity and glamour – but a pair of high heels was once an essential accessory for men.

Louis XIV painted in 1701 by Hyacinthe Rigaud (Getty Images)

“Beautiful, provocative, sexy – high heels may be all these things and more, but even their most ardent fans wouldn’t claim they were practical.

They’re no good for hiking or driving. They get stuck in things. Women in heels are advised to stay off the grass – and also ice, cobbled streets and posh floors.

And high heels don’t tend to be very comfortable. It is almost as though they just weren’t designed for walking in.

Originally, they weren’t.”

Full article click link below;


Posted by F.Sheikh


Words For Thought


“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” To me, this statement is so far from the truth, as many inflammatory remarks can strike straight to a person’s core.

After watching this news segment, what do you think about freedom of speech?


Syed  Abbas