A Case For Atheism by A Pastor

Jerry Dewitt a preacher for 25 years in De Ridder , La, decided to quit preaching and join Atheists. During his 25 years as a priest he found it difficult to believe that prayers do anything more than console the sufferers. He belonged to a long line of preachers on both sides of the family. The author, Robert F. Worth, writes in his article ‘From Bible-Belt Pastor to Atheist Leader’ in NYT :

“He was 41 and had spent almost his entire life in or near DeRidder, a small town in the heart of the Bible Belt. All he had ever wanted was to be a comfort and a support to the people he grew up with, but now a divide stood between him and them. He could no longer hide his disbelief. He walked into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. “I remember thinking, Who on this planet has any idea what I’m going through?”

Dewitt researched at internet, read books by Bertrand Russel, Richard Hawkins and Christopher Hitchens and converted to atheism. He started to preach Atheism, just like he was preaching Christianity. The author writes:

“After a few months he took to the road again, this time as the newest of a new breed of celebrity, the atheist convert. They have their own apostles (Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens) and their own language, a glossary borrowed from Alcoholics Anonymous, the Bible and gay liberation (you always “come out” of the atheist closet).

DeWitt quickly repurposed his preacherly techniques, sharing his reverse-conversion story and his thoughts on “the five stages of disbelief” to packed crowds at “Freethinker” gatherings across the Bible Belt, in places like Little Rock and Houston. As his profile rose in the movement this spring, his Facebook and Twitter accounts began to fill with earnest requests for guidance from religious doubters in small towns across America. “It’s sort of a brand-new industry,” DeWitt told me. “There isn’t a lot of money in it, but there’s a lot of momentum.”

The author argues that atheists and secular are no longer considered eccentric and the movement is spreading with organizations and clubs spreading in colleges, universities and neighborhoods. The author writes:

“The reasons for this secular revival are varied, but it seems clear that the Internet has helped, and many younger atheists cite the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as a watershed moment of disgust with religious zealotry in any form. It is hard to say how many people are involved; avowed atheists are still a tiny sliver of the population. But people with no religious affiliation are the country’s fastest-growing religious category. When asked about religious affiliation in a Pew poll published this summer, nearly 20 percent of Americans chose “none,” the highest number the center has recorded. Many of those people would not call themselves atheists; “agnostic,” which technically refers to people who believe that the existence of a higher being can’t be known by the human mind, remains the safer option. The godless are now younger and more diverse than in the past, with blacks and Hispanics — once vanishingly rare — starting to appear in the ranks of national groups like the United Coalition of Reason and the Secular Student Alliance. “

Pastor Dewitt paid heavy price for his conversion to atheism. He was divorced by his wife, lost job and rejected by the community where he spent most of his life. He was a native son of that community. The author writes:

“At the same time, DeWitt is something of a reality check for many atheists, whose principles rarely cost them more than the price of “The God Delusion” in paperback. DeWitt refuses to leave DeRidder, a place where religion, politics and family pride are indivisible. Six months after he was “outed” as an atheist he lost his job and his wife — both, he says, as a direct consequence. Only a handful of his 100-plus relatives from DeRidder still speak to him. When I visited him, in late June, his house was in foreclosure, and he was contemplating moving into his 2007 Chrysler PT Cruiser. This is the kind of environment where godlessness remains a real struggle and raises questions that could ramify across the rest of the country. Is the “new atheism” part of a much broader secularizing trend, like the one that started emptying out the churches in European towns and villages a century ago? Or is it just a ticket out of town?”

After reading the article, the question I was pondering was;

Devout religious people are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of religion, and some may call it cult mentality. Pastor Dewitt sacrificed everything for the new belief/ideology and is preaching the atheism as he was preaching religion. Atheists also have their gurus/apostle, Richard Hawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Bertrand Russell. Atheists are also much more organized now holding rallies and sessions. What is the difference-getting freedom from one ideology and being enslaved by the other?

To read complete article click on link;


Fayyaz Sheikh


Why We Become Terrorists… And How We Can Be Stopped By Saif Shahin

This article was forwarded by Nasik Elahi. It is a thought-provoking article and commentary on why the efforts to stop terrorism are failing both by the concerned Muslims as well as by the West. The author argues that fear mongering always wins-both by those in West who are creating Isalmphobia and by those who claim that Islam is in danger and propagate Jihad to save Islam and Muslim populace. The author writes about Muslim populace;

“Thus, a global enterprise works to create an Islamic populace, whose members think of themselves as “Muslims” and nothing else, who revel in their supposed victimhood and live perpetually in fear of physical and cultural survival. We look at the rest of the world as an enemy we are at war with, an enemy we must fight and kill―even if it means dying in the process. “Martyrdom”, in fact, is hailed as the highest virtue we can aim for.

Depending on individual factors, Muslims the world over are persuaded by this message to varying degrees. Most of us buy the idea of victimhood; we live in fear, talk to friends, family and children about it (thus spreading the message further), but basically get on with our lives. A few are persuaded enough to join the “war” ourselves.”

Some in the West use the same tool to scare their populace. The author write;

(To be sure, there is a similar Us-Versus-Them communication being propagated in the West by credible “experts” such as social theorists Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington, and popular commentators such as Glenn Beck and Daniel Pipes. It is remarkable how much the two opposing sides in this war―Islamists and Islamophobes―agree with each other, and how well they work in tandem, helping each other out by validating each other’s “fear-arousing appeals”.)


The author argues that same time tested method “fear”, as described by Hovland in his 1953 book “Communication and Persuasion” should be used to be successful against terrorism. The Author writes;

“A crucial reason why communicators of peace find it difficult to have greater impact is that the content of their communication is not “fear-mongering”, identified by Hovland as being the most persuasive. This problem can be overcome if they present terrorism not simply as a misinterpretation of Islam but as a mortal danger to Islam. Much is written on how Islamophobia encourages terrorism―the opposite is also true. We need to say more on how terrorism creates the very conditions that Muslims fear, and how this fabricated atmosphere is, in fact, driving a number of Muslims away from Islam. Another way our communicators can challenge the credibility of Ladens and Naiks is by questioning the obligation for we, the audience, to see ourselves as Muslims first and Muslims last. Of course we are Muslims, but each of us has a lot of other identities at the same time―sexual, racial, regional, national, linguistic, professional, and so on. Why can’t I see myself more as a journalist, more as an Indian or more as a cricket enthusiast, and less as a Muslim?”

To read the complete article click on the Link below:


US synagogue welcomes Muslims seeking a place to pray

Muslims around the world are gathering for Friday prayers, and in one neighbourhood in the US state of Virginia, the worshippers will enter a building that could hardly be further from a traditional mosque.

At a time when religious differences are sparking conflict in the Middle East and beyond – it is cooperation between two faiths which is allowing this unique programme flourish.

The BBC’s Katty Kay reports on how the Jewish community opened its doors because the area’s mosques could not accommodate all of the growing Muslim population.

Click on the link below to watch video of comments by Muslims and Jews;


Allama Iqbal And Concept Of Pakistan by Fayyaz Sheikh


I am not a fan of poetry; I never studied Iqbal thoroughly except whatever I learned during my school years in Pakistan. Recent discussion on allegations against Iqbal of conversion from Qadiyani to Sunni Muslim for personal gain, which I believe are malicious and false, gave me a chance to read more about Iqbal. During this discussion it was repeatedly said by some participants that there is no proof that Iqbal played a role in the concept or creation of Pakistan.

See below two samples of e-mails

Excerpt of e-mail by Mian Aslam  to Salik Sahib.

He (Iqbal) did not conceive Pakistan. In fact he clarified his position to Colonial Masters through personal letters that he did not mean to promote the idea of a separate country for British Indian Muslim subjects.

Excerpt of e-mail by  Wequar Azeem  to Salik Sahib.

“Mian Aslam Saheb is right though about Iqbal’s contribution towards making of Pakistan. He has been glorified for conception of Pakistan without the backing of, in fact contrary to, historical facts.”

During my recent study of Iqbal, I came across historic facts which prove that Iqbal conceived the idea of a separate Muslim State and played a role in supporting the efforts of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Iqbal was the President of Punjab Muslim League when he delivered the famous Presidential address in Allaabad on December 29, 1930 at the 25th Session of All India Muslim League. In this address he specifically addressed the concept of a separate state for Muslims and mentioned the possible future boundaries of Pakistan. He declared in this address;

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India.”

The full text of the speech can be read at Columbia University Website  URL link http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/txt_iqbal_1930.html

The similar excerpts from speech can be found in book ‘Gabriel’s Wing by Schimmel Ann Marie, published 1962, pages 33, 34. Link;


The author of this book also writes( page 34) that Iqbal did not judge from a hasty time bound point of view, is clear from a letter written in 1909 to a friend ;

“I have myself been of the view that religious differences disappear from the country, and even now act on this principle in my private life. But now I think that the preservation of their separate national entities is desirable for both the Hindus and Muslims. The vision of a common nationhood for India is a beautiful ideal, and has a poetic appeal, but looking to the present conditions and the unconscious trends of the communities appear incapable of fulfillment”

The above letter was written to a friend Munshi Ghulam Qadir Farrah. The reference to this letter can also be found on Columbia University Website.

The author of the book further writes on page 34; “Iqbal willingly lent Mr. Jinnah his help in consolidating Muslim Party. On March 23, 1940-two years after Iqbal’s death-the creation of independent state of Pakistan was accepted officially as the goal of Muslim League.

In my view, above convincingly proves that Iqbal conceived the idea of a separate Muslim State and was also politically active to support Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Claims that no such record exists does not hold up. If some contrary record exists, please bring forward. Please keep in mind that such record should be according to generally accepted verifiable standards.

Fayyaz A. Sheikh